Commercial Real Estate Marketing – The 10 Best Strategies For Commercial Real Estate

Real Estate Marketing

Commercial real estate marketing requires a well-rounded mix of strategies. This mix should include Earned, Paid and Owned media.

For example, SEO helps to get your firm’s website in front of potential clients through search engines. Likewise, writing articles on commercial real estate trends and advice for local publications can help establish your firm as a thought leader.

1. SEO

SEO is a key component to any online marketing strategy, especially for businesses that rely on local search traffic like commercial real estate. Real estate SEO is a specific type of SEO that is tailored to the needs of real estate professionals.

Create informative content that answers common questions about your services. This will increase your visibility, build trust, and generate leads.

2. Social Media

Commercial real estate professionals know that a good online marketing strategy includes content that is useful, relevant or entertaining. This content can include thought leadership, market studies and infographics.

Social media platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook offer a powerful way to reach potential clients. They also allow CRE firms to highlight listing-related content and post testimonials from past clients. Online display advertising like Google Adwords offers granular targeting and can drive traffic to a website.

3. Direct Mail

Real estate direct mail can be an effective way to generate leads and clients. Physical marketing materials like postcards and flyers are highly effective, generate a higher response rate than email and are considered more trustworthy by consumers.

Try EDDM (Each Door Direct Mail) to save on printing costs and target specific neighborhoods. Using targeted marketing helps you avoid wasted spending and increases your chances of getting a reply from the property owner.

4. Email Marketing

Email marketing is an effective lead generation tool for commercial real estate agents and brokers. It allows them to capture subscribers and nurture them through the sales funnel.

Email content that adds value can include things like community events, new restaurants or shops, and neighborhood guides. It can also include comparison content that helps customers weigh options.

5. Content Marketing

Real estate businesses need to stay on top of their clients and potential customers. Using email marketing strategies like retargeting is an effective way to keep in touch and build trust with potential clients over time.

Providing content that helps customers weigh their options and make informed decisions builds trust. Examples of this include property tours, area tours and educational webinars.

6. Video Marketing

Video marketing is quickly becoming a staple of commercial real estate marketing. It’s a way to communicate property details in a more compelling, memorable manner.

The best videos don’t necessarily focus on real estate, but rather, human stories and lifestyle benefits. This type of content helps clients feel more connected to the business. It also makes them more likely to refer the company.

7. Blogs

A great CRE blog is one of the most effective ways to showcase your commercial real estate expertise. You can feature industry news, research studies, and more.

Make sure you avoid writing about your own services in your blog as this will erode trust and may come across as a sales pitch. Instead, focus on delivering useful and entertaining content. For example, you could write a blog post on how to choose the best office furniture for your business.

8. PPC

Pay-per-click (PPC) is an online marketing strategy where you pay for every click on your ads. It’s a great way to target potential real estate leads when they are actively searching.

PPC comes in many different forms, including search ads, shopping ads, and Gmail ads. The key is finding the ones that best suit your business goals. “Quality” can also change over time based on how well you follow up.

9. Networking

Developing a real estate network is an important aspect of commercial real estate marketing. This strategy can help agents find new clients, and build a strong business foundation for the future.

It’s also a great way to nurture leads until they’re ready to engage with your business. This can be done by sending out regular email newsletters or printed thank you notes.

10. Retargeting

Retargeting uses digital ads to target potential commercial real estate clients who may have visited your website but didn’t convert. This can be a great way to remind them of your services and get them back into your sales funnel.

Email campaigns are another great way to keep your brand in front of potential clients. However, it’s important to have a strong call-to-action and quality content.

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